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Square SHS

Spunlite Standard Range Square SHS poles are an aesthetic light pole that can be used for any shared space.

Square SHS poles are manufactured in Christchurch, New Zealand from 100×100 square hollow section. They come standard galvanized and painted with an Epoxy 10 year C3 specification. Available in both ground plant or flange base, these poles are held in stock to enable a quick turnaround on orders of up to 10 units. Orders larger than 10 units are made to order.

  • Subdivisions
  • Cycle-ways
  • Walkways
  • Big Box Retail
  • City communal areas
  • Car parks
  • Amenity Area’s
  • Tennis Courts


  • Ground planted or flange base 
  • 100×100 Square Hollow Section (SHS) 
  • 4.0m, 6.0m, 7.0m & 8.0m mounting heights 
  • Epoxy painted gloss black with a 10 year C3 specification
  • Square base cowl available
  • 4 side mounted spigot options:
    • 200mm long x 42mm OD
    • 600mm long x 42mm OD
    • 200mm long x 60mm OD
    • 600mm long x 60mm OD